Parshat yitro commentary on the book

Ein mukdam umuchar batorah in parshat yitro, chumash enters a new phase it slowly becomes a book of laws, for its primary focus now shifts from its ongoing narrativei. Throughout the ages, when parshat yitro is read, with the visions experienced at the splitting of the sea still fresh in our minds and the song of praise sung by moshe and all of israel still ringing in our ears, the sages broaden the canvas even further, including the point that the davidic line is reestablished and gods dominion complete. This weeks parsha consists of two episodes that seem to be a study in contrasts. Nonetheless, the study of how the torah presents these laws, i. The people welcomed yitro with a banquet in his honor and moses serving as the waiter. Yisro observes moshes daily schedule as chief administrator, judge, and teacher. The book of jasher tells us that yitro knew yahweh from that day forward and that he stayed with them many days book of jasher 82. In the jps hebrewenglish tanakh, the hebrew of yitro is only six halfpage columns. This weeks reading introduces us to the ten commandments and a man whom we havent heard about since parshat shemot, yitro. Divrei torah, inspiration, ethics and stories for all ages. Parsha yitro dvar torah the torah as an open book, 2009. When moses goes out to greet him, the torah hints at four dimensions of being present with other people exodus 18.

Haftarah parshat yitro fuchsberg jerusalem center for. Yishaya 6 7this weeks haftorah is from yishaya 6 and 7. Jan 25, 2008 parshat yitro 5771 from introversion to extroversion harav yitzchak ginsburgh duration. An interpolated translation and commentary based on the works of the lubavitcher rebbe. Person, series editor parashat yitro study guide themes theme 1. Rachel adler, is linked by judith plaskow to our portion in her 1990 book, standing again at sinai. The story of joseph mentions the egyptian priests, whose land was not nationalised gen. Parshat yitro decimal system david sedley the blogs. Yitro brings his daughter zipporah and her two sons, gershom and eliezer, to his soninlaw moses. In parshat yitro, chumash enters a new phase it slowly becomes a book of laws, for its primary focus now shifts from its ongoing narrative i. Summary jethro, moses fatherinlaw suggests a system for establishing lower courts to settle disputes. There is a question as to whether or not the torah is in chronological order here. Sinai that results in an exclusive relationship between god and israel, sealed by a.

Parshat yitro 5763 download as pdf this weeks torah reading tells us of the most important and earthshaking single event in the history of the entire world. When moses goes out to greet him, the torah hints at four dimensions of being. Upon hearing the covenant, the israelites respond, all that god has spoken we will do. Jethro yitro, in hebrew, the fatherinlaw of moses, has heard of the miracle of israels liberation, and he brings moses wife, zipporah, and their two sons, gershom and eliezer, to the israelites, who are encamped at the mountain of god. Jethro yitro, in hebrew, the fatherinlaw of moses, has heard of the miracle of israels liberation, and he brings moses wife, zipporah, and their two sons, gershom and. Nonetheless, the study of howthe torah presents these laws, i. The story of joseph mentions the egyptian priests, whose land. Yitro was so great an entire parshah was named after him the reading then continues to the event of the ten commandments. A commentary for the ages exodus, copublished by ou press and maggid books. Yitro, fatherinlaw of moshe rabeinu was one of the most fascinating men ever to have walked on planet earth. In the book of genesis, we encounter malkizedek, abrahams contemporary, described as a priest of the most high god gen. Joseph and the risks of power mikketz 5780 23rd december 2019.

Four dimensions of presence with others parshat yitro 12018 5 comments this parsha begins with moses fatherinlaw, jethro, coming out to meet moses and the israelites in the wilderness. The people welcomed yitro with a banquet in his honor. Yitro says that upon hearing the details of the exodus, he was greatly inspired to the point of goose bumps rashi. Transtropilation is the term coined by len fellman to describe the process of translating from cantillized hebrew, as closely as possible, word for word and trop for trop, with the main purpose being to aid a person with minimal hebrew training in following the hebrew leyning. This weeks parasha is one of six in the torah, and the only one in the book of exodus, which is named for an individual. The parashah tells of jethros organizational counsel to moses and gods revelation of the ten. Yitro parashat love of torah messianic bible study. He took moses wife and two sons and brings them to moses in the wilderness. The first instance, as stated is in parshat yitro, which is the 17th parshah of the pentateuch. Seeing that the only judicial authority for the entire jewish nation is moshe himself, yitro suggests that subsidiary judges be appointed to. Jethro brought along moses wife, tzipporah, who had been sent home earlier, vayikach yitro choten moshe ettsiporah eshet moshe achar shilucheyha.

The angel who did not know he was an angel vayeshev 5780 16th december 2019. However, the article doesnt even mention egyptian being spoken at sinai, and this is the first ive ever heard of that. Hebrew rootstorah observanceyitro wikibooks, open books. Moses then returned to the mountain and was told to command the people to sanctify themselves before the lord descended upon the mountain in three days. Vayishma yitro chohen midyan choten moshe et kolasher asah elohim lemoshe uleyisrael amo kihotsi adonay etyisrael mimitsrayim. The parsha is divided into two portions by way of the subject of the columns. Mikketz represents the most sudden and radical transformation in the torah. Parshat yitro 5771 from introversion to extroversion harav yitzchak ginsburgh duration.

From the moment that hashem appeared to moshe at the burning bush, hashem made it clear that the sole purpose for the exodus was for the jewish people to stand at sinai and receive the torah, which contained all of hashems instructions to the. God speaks the ten commandments to the children of israel amidst fire, smoke, and the sound of the shofar. Jtss extensive online torah resources reflect todays most compelling conversations, research, and teaching from leaders in jewish studyall available for learners around the world to explore and enjoy. We are told in the first posuk of parshat yitro 18. Some jews see the entire nonjewish world as amalek, or as something despicable, but those who dont recognize the righteousness of certain gentiles and the benevolence of world culture are gravely mistaken. The parshah commences relating how moshes father in law, yitro, left the land of midiyan and joined the jewish nation, converting by circumcising himself gemara sanhedrin 94a. Yisro brings moshe s wife and two sons to join him in the desert. Go up since for each aliya, one person goes up to make a bracha blessing on the torah reading. Continuing the theme of revelation, the haftorah recounts the famed vision known as maaseh hamerkavah the vision of hashem as he sits upon his throne surrounded by various angels singing his praises. In other words, jews are constantly battling assimilation, both national and spiritual. According to midrash, jethros original name was yeter i. Yisro brings moshes wife and two sons to join him in the desert.

He advises his soninlaw to delegate some responsibilities to a. This weeks haftarah, while found in the sixth chapter of the book of isaiah, is seen by most as the isaiahs inaugural prophecy. In the book of genesis, we encounter malkizedek, abrahams. Posted on january 30, 2018 february 5, 2018 excerpted from rabbi dr. Mount sinai was all in smoke because god has come down on it in fire. The shabbos torah reading is divided into 7 sections.

According to some authorities, jethro was moses brotherinlaw ibn ezra on numbers 10. Articles on the weekly torah portion, parsha, from beginner to advanced levels. Jethro, moses fatherinlaw and the pagan priest of midian, heard what god did for moses and the. Yitro then gave crucial advice to moshe, advising him on how to institute court systems, thus saving moshe and the jews a lot of time later on and giving them a proper court structure shemot 18. Yitro is so impressed by moshes detailing of the exodus from egypt that he converts to judaism. Tziporah enjoyed extraordinary social status within her native land. Hearing of the miracles gd performed for bnei yisrael, moshes fatherinlaw yitro arrives with moshes wife and sons, reuniting the family in the wilderness. Parashat yitro describes the encounter between god and israel at mount. Jan 31, 2010 by twinning the reading from parshat yitro with the haftarah from yechezkel and assigning them to the first day of the holiday, the revelation is deemed the primary theme.

Jan 25, 2003 hearing of the miracles gd performed for bnei yisrael, moshes fatherinlaw yitro arrives with moshes wife and sons, reuniting the family in the wilderness. We have now come to parashat yitro in our annual torah reading cycle, arguably. Commentary 2 parshat bo this weeks parsha is one of the three or four torah portions most central to the jewish narrative. Parashat hashavua yitro 2017 5777 yitro, tell me what you feel. February 12, 2020by daniel nevins commentary yitro. Hebrew for the name jethro, the second word in the parashah and is the seventeenth weekly torah portion. Our faculty and teachers bring the depth and breadth of jts learning directly to you through a rich collection of contemporary jewish content. The people trembled when they saw it, and so they stood afar.

This weeks torah portion, parashat yitro, is remarkable. Parshat yitro the jewish people left egypt on the fifteenth of nisan and reached mount sinai fortyfive days later, on the first of sivan. Vayikach yitro choten moshe ettsiporah eshet moshe achar shilucheyha. Yitro recognized the measureformeasure punishment of each and every plague, and decided to become a jew. After delivering this message, the people responded by proclaiming, kol asher diber adonai naaseh all that the lord has spoken, we shall do. Parsha yitro dvar torah yitro, tell me what you feel, 2017. A commentary for the ages exodus, copublished by ou press and maggid books how many are the ten commandments.

Overview for interpolated translation for parshah yitro chassidic insights for parshah yitro browse book. The juxtaposition of amalek and yitro there are bad things in the world, but there also are things that are very good. Torah parashah yitro assembly of calledout believers. In this weeks parsha hashavua, leah jones shares with us some wisdom from mosess moshes nonjewish fatherinlaw that pretty much changes the course of jewish history. Each week, a different storyteller some musical, some poetic, some just straightup, tell the story of the current weekly torah. In many white libraries, she continued, every book, whether it was a book of poems by james weldon johnson, who everyone knew was a. Torah reading, haftarah, links to audio and commentary. This of course will be necessary for when they enter the holy land and no longer have moses with them to settle all their disputes. The sole rabbi to achieve a comprehensive commentary on the entire babylonian talmud since. Jews, being a minority people, seem to be in a constant struggle to maintain their unique identity and belief within the context of the world around them.

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